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Bhupinder Hooda makes election promises at Hisar Rally, including early implementation of OPS

Hisar, August 21: As the countdown to the Haryana Assembly elections begins, Bhupinder Hooda, the state’s former Chief Minister and a senior member of the Congress party, revealed a full list of electoral commitments during a rally in Hisar. If the Congress wins the state, one prominent pledge is the quick implementation of the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) during the inaugural cabinet meeting.

Hooda, speaking to a raucous throng at the “Vipaksh Aapke Samaksh” event, assured locals that if his party wins power, major improvements await those who rely on pensions. The elderly, in particular, stand to gain from an increased monthly pension of Rs 6000. Another ground-breaking promise is to make petrol cylinders available for Rs 500, reducing the financial strain on people.


Hooda has pledged to distribute 100-yard plots to families from Scheduled Castes (SCs) and other marginalised groups of society as part of his commitment to socioeconomic growth. This gesture aims to increase access to property ownership while also empowering historically underprivileged areas.

The visionary leader also revealed a slew of plans aimed at revitalising several sections of the state’s economy. Hooda stated his aim to raise the income barrier for the backward classes’ creamy layer, guaranteeing that a broader segment can enjoy numerous benefits. Artists linked with the Vishwakarma Karigar Yojana would receive loans at a low interest rate of less than 5%, boosting their entrepreneurial endeavours.

Hooda’s promise of creating 2 lakh permanent work opportunities provided a ray of hope to young people facing unemployment. Hooda assured a Minimum Support Price (MSP) guarantee, a policy aimed at bolstering the agricultural sector, demonstrating a thorough knowledge of citizens’ concerns.

Hooda’s plan for progress includes a focus on alleviating energy poverty. Under his government, underprivileged families would receive 300 free units of energy, potentially improving living circumstances for a large percentage of the population.

The Old Pension Scheme (OPS), which Hooda promised to execute during the first cabinet meeting, remains the centrepiece of his policy agenda. This action illustrates Hooda’s aim of giving financial security to the elderly, as well as his administration’s dedication to rapid and decisive government.

Hooda did not hold back in criticising the present Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government at both the centre and state levels in his talk. He voiced concern about the state’s change over the last nine years from being a leader in law and order, per capita income, and investment to becoming a state suffering with rising crime rates and corruption.

Hooda’s frank appraisal of the state’s current situation included a reference to the state’s increasing debt, which has already reached a staggering Rs 4.5 lakh crore. He expressed the growing discontent of citizens from all walks of life, emphasising the disillusionment caused by the perceived lack of key services like as education, healthcare, and competent public administration.

Hooda’s pledges resound as a viable roadmap for reinvigorating the state’s socioeconomic fabric as the political landscape in Haryana unfolds and the 2019 elections approach. Time will tell whether his vision for a more prosperous and fair Haryana is popular among voters.


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