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EntertainmentInternational Youth Day 2023: History, significance, topic, and other information

International Youth Day 2023: History, significance, topic, and other information

International Youth Day 2023: Every year on August 12, International Youth Day is commemorated to raise awareness of the challenges and difficulties that young people face around the world, as well as to advocate for their untapped potential.

The importance of International Youth Day 2023 originates from its awareness of youth’s crucial role as the world’s foundation. Their passion, adaptability, and unshakable determination have the potential to catalyse constructive reforms both globally and locally.
“It is not uncommon for a generation to be exceptional. You have the potential to be the great generation. “Allow your greatness to bloom” – Nelson Mandela

International Youth Day History

The day was named International Youth Day by the United Nations in 1999 after the General Assembly adopted the recommendation of the ‘World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth.’ As a result, it is observed every year to emphasise the importance of youth as a driving force for change around the world.

International Youth Day Significance

International Youth Day provides a forum for governments, organisations, communities, and individuals to discuss and address the needs, concerns, and aspirations of young people.

The day also encourages intercultural and intergenerational dialogue to foster understanding and collaboration among various age groups, but its primary goal is to emphasise the importance of investing in young people’s well-being, education, and participation in shaping the future of their communities and the world at large.

International Youth Day Theme

Each year, the theme of International Youth Day varies to focus on a particular aspect of youth development and empowerment, such as ‘Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World’ in 2023.

“The world is currently undergoing a green transition.” The transition to a more environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly world is crucial not just for addressing the global climate problem, but also for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The development of green skills in the people will be critical to a successful transition to a greener world. According to the UN, green skills are “the knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes required to live in, develop, and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society.”

“These include technical knowledge and skills that allow for the effective use of green technologies and processes in occupational settings, as well as transversal skills that draw on a variety of knowledge, values, and attitudes to enable environmentally sustainable decisions in work and in life.” Because of its interdisciplinary character, the core of green skills is sometimes communicated, in part or entirely, through other linked phrases such as “skills for the future” and “skills for green jobs.” While green skills are important for people of all ages, they are especially important for younger people since they can contribute to the green transition over a longer length of time.”

International Youth Day Celebration

On International Youth Day, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, performances, and campaigns highlighting youth-related problems such as education, employment, mental health, civic involvement, and social justice are common.



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